Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Checking back into fat camp

I have been doing Weight Watchers online for about six months now. I love all the online tools and access that the online program gives me, but I do miss some things about going to meetings. I lost about 40 pounds when I was in college and did it by going to meetings (technically that was before any “online” option, but we don’t need to talk about that…). I feel like I am in an extended plateau. I am technically losing, it’s just very VERY slowly. I think I would like the additional support of going to meetings. So I am going to my first meeting in a VERY long time tomorrow morning.

I have a little bit of unnecessary anxiety about this. You see, I have joined and quit weight watchers about 50 times since my first successful journey in college. Each time I lost about five pounds and quit. I know my lack of success had nothing to do with the meetings themselves, but I still have that association of meetings with weight loss failure. As I have said before, this time the journey is different. Maybe I’m older and more mature, maybe my life circumstances have made it easier this time. 

Whatever it is, I know I can do it this time. I am not giving up.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oops I did it again...

So, let’s be realistic. Once in awhile no matter how great a weight watcher you are, you will fall off the wagon. Like weight loss in general, bingeing or whatever you want to call it is triggered by different things. For me it’s always the same. I love sweets. Any kind of sweets really. I love ice cream, cookies, cupcakes, chocolate, candy, even muffins will do it for me. 

I have discovered this time around that the best way to keep me “on the wagon” is to not have them in my house. I am fortunate to be in complete control of my environment because I live alone and mostly only cook for myself.

I know I’m supposed to be learning how to gain self control and all that, but what if there are things I just can’t have around? If there are no sweets in the house and I get a craving, I might have a piece of fruit, but I am too lazy to go to the store or bake something. I guess I should be thankful for that.

What do you do about your trigger foods? Have you developed the discipline to have them around and not eat too much?

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Welcome to my new blog! I wanted to created a space to post my ups and downs along my weight loss journey. I am motivated every day by my favorite weight loss bloggers. Losing weight, especially large amounts of weight, works different for everybody and hopefully I can shed some light to others on what works for me.
I won't go into how I ended up where I am because I think most people's stories are similar. I was overweight as a young child and became obese in high school. I've gained and lost 40 pounds over the years, but this time is somehow different. 
I have lost about 30 pounds so far but have a lot more to go (like 80-90 but who's counting?). I am following the Weight Watcher plan and without it I would still be 30 pounds heavier, if not more. 
Like most people who are overweight, I love to eat. I love food in general. I'm not into junk food or fast food but I love love love to cook and, unfortunately for my waistline, I am a little too good at it. 
My journey is about tailoring my "non diet recipes" to fit into a healthy lifestyle, because it is a lifestyle not a diet. I don't like most fat free or sugar free processed foods and I am convinced that I can lose weight without those things. So far it's working, but like any other great achievement, it requires a tremendous amount of work and dedication.
Fortunately I do like to exercise  I have a long history of aerobics, running, and most recently triathlon-ing (not sure if that's a word). As many of you know who have been successful in your weight loss, exercise alone is not enough. I read somewhere "lose weight in the kitchen, tone up in the gym" and I am finding that to be pretty accurate. I'm not diminishing the role of exercise in ramping up your metabolism or contributing to overall cardiovascular health, I'm only suggesting that it is very easy to out-eat your diet. 
I am going to post weight ins, photos along the way, and favorite recipes. I hope you enjoy and I would love any feedback.
Happy reading!